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What's wrong with my body?

When you hurt everywhere,

Muscle pain in a small area of your body is usually caused by overuse. For example, if you lift boxes all day, your arms might hurt by the end of the day. Or it could be something small, like a sprained shoulder from tripping. But if you hurt all over, it's probably because you have an infection, sickness, or are taking medicine.

Trouble with Blood Flow

If your arms, legs, or both hurt, it could be because your muscles aren't getting enough blood. This is called claudication. At first, you might only feel it when you work out, but after a while, you might feel it when you sit or walk. This is generally caused by arteriosclerosis, which is when the blood vessels that bring blood to your muscles get clogged up.


This is when your thyroid gland doesn't make enough of certain important hormones. It can make muscles and joints hurt and cause swelling and sensitivity. It can make you tired and cause problems with your memory, hair loss, dry skin, high cholesterol, a slower heart rate, and more. Your doctor can find out if you have it with a simple blood test, and if you do, drugs can help refill the hormones that are missing. 

The Flu and Other Illnesses

When you get the flu, you may have a fever, a stuffy nose, and sore muscles, especially in your back, legs, and arms. It normally gets better on its own in about a week, but if it doesn't, call your doctor. You should also see them if you have other health problems and get the flu or a cough that won't go away. COVID-19 and HIV are two other types of diseases that can cause muscle pain.


People with high cholesterol take drugs called statins to control it, and about 30% of those who do say they have muscle pain. Talk to your doctor if this is happening to you. They might be able to give you something else to take.


This is a type of autoimmune disease, which means that your immune system, which usually helps protect your body, attacks your tissues and organs. When lupus affects your joints or muscles, it can make them stiff and painful to move. There is no cure, but you can control your symptoms with medicine and certain movements. Talk with your doctor about what will help you the most.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of arthritis.

This is also an autoimmune disease that mostly affects your joints and can lead to bone loss. It can make your whole body hurt and make your joints swell up in strange ways. Your symptoms can be helped by medicine and physical treatment, but there is no cure. In some cases, the damaged joints may need surgery to be fixed.


This autoimmune disease makes your muscles and joints hurt and gives you rashes on your eyes that are painful, itchy, red, or purple. It also gives you spots on your fingers, elbows, knees, and toes, dries out your skin, thins out your hair, and makes the skin around your fingernails red, swollen, and itchy. It can be caused by a virus, a drug, or cancer. There is no fix, but your doctor can help you deal with the symptoms by giving you medicine and sending you to physical therapy.


This condition can hurt your joints and muscles and make it hard to sleep, change your mood, and remember things. Scientists think it happens when your brain takes normal, mild pain signals and makes them worse by mistake. It can be caused by being sick, having surgery, or being under a lot of mental stress. Medicines and relaxation methods like yoga may also help ease symptoms.

Arthritis from psoriasis

This disease is a mix of joint inflammation and a skin problem. Your fingers, toes, feet, knees, and other joints may feel stiff and painful. The pain could only be on one side of the body or be the same on both sides. Your range of motion may be limited by psoriatic arthritis, and you may feel tired in the morning.


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